Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Plan

Here's the plan. Arrive in Taipei and spend a night or two to get our bearings and catch up on some needed sleep from the 19 hr flight. We will then catch a train south to Kaohsiung (pronounced "gaoshung"). I have heard conflicting stories on how long the train takes; anywhere from 90 minutes to four hours. Once we arrive in Kaohsiung, we need to find a cheap hotel and start the job search. We have a few contacts so hopefully something comes through quickly.

Kaohsiung is the 2nd largest city in Taiwan and the 6th largest port in the world. Apparently it has some of the best beaches, mildest winters, and long summers. Unfortunately, it is also prone to typhoons in the monsoon season; as seen from the typhoon that ripped through southern Taiwan on Saturday.

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