Thursday, September 24, 2009

Engrish, sweat, & cuttlefish.

I havent been reading Angela's blog so I dont know if I'm duplicating. Well, we arrived in Kasohsiung Tuesday morning. We have been staying in a hostel (Moon Lake Hotel) where the concierge cannot speak a word of English. I spent 45 minutes trying to explain that I have a reservation. I had to spell reservation; R-E-S-E-R-V-A-T-I-O-N, only for him to tell me that I spelled breakfast and he insisted that breakfast will be served at 10am each morning. He didnt lie. There is a sandwhich hanging from our door handle each morning; egg, ham (I think), and cucumber.

Kaohsiung is a beautiful city that truly shines at night. The Love river is illuminated and you can take 30 minute tours for around NT40 ($1.30CAD). Tonight we had steamed lemon cuttlefish (bloody delicious!), gon-bao chicken, and steamed dumplings. We honestly at like kings for around $10CAD each. It was the most expensive meal were had so far. An average breakfast costs around NT85 ($2.80CAD).

Althought Kaohsiung is the second largest city in Taiwan it is relatively quiet & tame compared to Taipei. The metro (KMRT) is only a year old and trains run every 10 minutes. I must admit the KMRT is a luxury coming from KW; really looking fwd to when KW gets onboard - yes the pun is intended.

One last note; the humidity here is intense. I was expecting it to be heavy but this truly is brutal. 15 seconds of walking and I am dripping from head to toe. I made the god-awful mistake of wearnig jeans tonight. I regretted that decision about 15 steps from the door. I didnt want to seem like a wimp so I kept walking. Man, did I pay for that. To make things worse it started raining on the way home; it felt like a tumble dryer.

I may have an ESL job lined up. Will post more when I hear.


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