Friday, October 2, 2009

Landed a Job & Also A Typhoon

I went for an interview yesterday, Friday, and got the job. I had to do a demo that didnt go so well. I had to teach them new vocab; mosquito, bug, cockroach, insect, etc. Unfortunately, they knew all the words and could spell them backwards. So my lesson plan went out the window and I ended up improvising with three teachers watching. There was also very loud childrens music being pumped from the ceiling so I ended up having to shout over it.
Anyways, I got the job. Now the process for the ARC (Alien Resident Card) begins. I am going for a medical Monday.

A typhoon is scheduled to hit us on Monday. We are tracking its progress. To be honest, I am kinda of excited to experience one. There are a few brave souls who organize Typhoons Parties. Basically they just stand around and hang out until they cant take it anymore. I think i will give that a miss for my first one. Hopefully its not as powerful as the one that hit last month.

Its Moon festival today and the fireworks began last night. Its like Thanksgiving in that most people go home tonight for a big supper and to be with family. There are a ton of BBQs tonight that we will most likely check out.

Going to check out a few apts now. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the job Matt! You'll be a great teacher!!


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