Friday, November 20, 2009

Sorry for the long delay in posts (Danielle). Saturday morning here now and Angela is at work - she goes in every other Saturday; against her will.

Heading out for sushi tonight with our neighbor, Carrey. She's from South Africa too and she's heading back to SA soon for xmas. I asked her to bring back some SA goodies when she gets back to Taiwan. She is dating one of the Taiwanese teachers I work with so we see them all quite a lot.

Still havent got a scooter but I am actually enjoying the walking to school. I have several "usuals" that I pass eveyday. All I can do is nod and say Ni Hao (hello). That is soon to change (hopefully). I have arranged Chinese lessons for Angela and myself. We are going to be doing a language exchage with a Taiwanese woman, Bridget. She will come to our apartment twice a week and we'll share English/Chinese lessons. She lived in the States for almost 10 years so her English is quite good. She wants to keep practicing and wants to have a better conversational English.

A funny thing I just thought of. Children here are super curious about body hair - especially arm hair. If anyone has seen my arms, they are quite impressively covered with hair. On several occasions now, while I've been writing on the white-board, children have come up to me and started to rub my arm very gently. At first it freaked me out. Now I just let them get their fill.

I have the opportunity to buy a motorbike; if a 150cc can be called a motorbike. I have been working on Angela for the last few days but I dont think she is budging. In all honesty, a scooter is more practicle in this city - place for groceries under the seat, a place for beer on the foot board. I'm sure I've blogged about this before but it's not unusual to see an entire family, 4 people, on a 90cc scooter; sometimes even with a small dog on the foot board. I will try to take a picture of this. This is even pushing it for South African standards.

1 comment:

  1. Matt! Hope you are enjoying the Holidays! Missed you at the "Moose Lodge" for the Christmas Party :-) Keep Writing!


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